Recycling has become an important part of our everyday lives, and we should all do our part. With landfill space becoming more limited, the global community is becoming more aware of the importance of recycling. But the simple act of throwing an item in a blue bin isn’t always as effective as it sounds. In fact, incorrect recycling practices can lead to contamination. To avoid this, follow the proper recycling protocol.
The first step to effective recycling is to start before you buy products. Before you go shopping, check out the items you’re buying, and look for a recycling symbol on the packaging. Recycling plastic bags can also be a big help. Instead of using plastic bags, try using reusable cloth bags. You can also save money by using reusable bags. These bags can be washed and used again. remember, recycling is more than blue bins and bottle drives.

Plastic bags and wrappers are other major culprits in the contaminant load. These plastic bags can cause a variety of problems for animals, including suffocating them and damaging their internal organs. Plastic wrap, bubble wrap, and sandwich bags are not recyclable.
And if you really care about the environment then you should learn how to compost and the benefits of doing it. Composting is one of the best ways to recycle. Garden cuttings and kitchen waste can be thrown into outdoor composters. Community gardens can use the compost that results and as a result, you will feel better knowing that your waste will serve as food for insects and essentially plants and thus contributing to the circle of life.