In 2024, the trend of keeping low-maintenance fish continues to rise, attracting both seasoned aquarists and newcomers to the world of fish care 101. This surge in popularity is driven by a growing awareness of the benefits these easy-to-care-for species offer, from their minimal space requirements to their adaptability in various water conditions.
Our blog delves into the realm of low-maintenance fish, providing readers with insights on species selection, habitat setup, and care routines that are straightforward yet effective. With a focus on fish care, we aim to demystify the process of maintaining a healthy aquatic environment for these resilient creatures, ensuring that even the busiest individuals can enjoy the tranquilly and beauty of a home aquarium.
The world of aquariums can be as complex or as simple as one chooses, and low-maintenance fish are the perfect starting point for those looking to embark on their fish-keeping journey with ease. We offer a variety of tips and tricks to make fish care in 2024 not just a hobby but a rewarding and stress-free experience.
Very Easy Fish for Fish Care
Freshwater aquarium fish provide a relaxing way to unwind, making beautiful additions to any home. Unfortunately, however, some species can be challenging to care for, with even beginner-friendly species becoming sick from overstocking the tank or failing to cycle their water properly.
This table provides a comprehensive overview of various aspects of low-maintenance fish care, tailored to both beginners and experienced fish keepers. It covers everything from choosing the right fish and tank setup to maintaining a healthy environment for aquatic pets.
Category | Details |
Popular Low-Maintenance Fish | – Betta Fish -AngelFish – Goldfish – Guppies – Tetras and Neon Tetras – Zebra Danios |
Tank Setup | Minimum tank size recommendations Suitable filtration systems Lighting needs Heating requirements |
Feeding Guidelines | Types of food for each fish species Feeding frequency Portion sizes |
Water Conditions | Ideal pH levels Temperature ranges Water hardness |
Health and well-being | Common signs of stress or illness Basic treatment options Regular health check routines |
Aquarium Maintenance | Cleaning schedule and water change frequency Filter maintenance |
Aquascaping for Low-Maintenance Tanks | Suitable plants and decorations Substrate choices Layout tips |
Community Tank Considerations | Compatible species combinations Territorial behaviours to watch for Tank size adjustments for community tanks |
Costs and Budgeting | Initial setup costs Ongoing maintenance expenses Budget-friendly options |
Fish Care Trends in 2024 | Technological advancements in tank maintenance Sustainable fish-keeping practices |

When it comes to the love of easy fish care, the betta fish are among the most beloved beginner aquarium fish species. Hardy yet accommodating of new owners’ mistakes, bettas can live anywhere in an aquatic environment, ranging from a small bowl to a filtered tank; their vibrant jewel-tone colours and flowing fins make them attractive fish to care for as well as easy to care for.
Bettas have long been prized in captivity due to their vibrant, flowing colours and intricate fin patterns, such as reds, blues, greens, oranges, and more. Male bettas tend to be more colourful than their counterparts during fights or mating rituals and may become particularly vibrant when fighting or mating occurs.
Wild betta fish often inhabit shallow aquatic environments like rice paddies, ponds, and slow-moving streams in Asia. Because their natural waters contain relatively little oxygen, bettas have evolved the ability to syphon air from beneath the surface by sucking it up through their nostrils; as a result, they regularly come up to the surface to take in air through its pores—even without water nearby! They can survive up to several days out of the water, provided they remain moist!
Bettas tend to be solitary fish; however, given enough space and hiding places, they may tolerate other fish species in a community tank. Bettas have even cohabited peacefully with cory catfish, kuhli loaches, and and the guppy fish without aggression towards other members of their own species; however, male bettas may become competitive within an aquarium and therefore not suitable for community tanks.
As a general guideline, betta fish tend to prefer warm water temperatures between 79 degrees Fahrenheit and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Though they can adapt to cooler environments, health problems and decreased activity will likely arise if temperatures dip too far below this threshold. Furthermore, numerous household medications like Prozac may reach aquatic environments and adversely affect betta fish; such effects could include reduced nest building activities, decreased spawning duration and hatching rate, as well as a possible reduction in nest building time and duration.

Tetra species of fish are highly desirable among freshwater enthusiasts. Not only are these gorgeous and adaptable to standard aquarium setups, but they’re an excellent option for new pet owners looking for easygoing fish to add to their tank. Black Skirt Tetras make great starter fish, with two vertical stripes running down their bodies accentuating their tetragonal shape. Black Skirt Tetras get along well with other inhabitants of their tank, as they come from rivers in South America where their habitat mimics this fish species’ natural habitat: slow-moving waters with fine sand substrate.
Rummy Nose Tetra fish stand out among this selection of easy-care aquatic friends, as the Rummy Nose Tetra stands out with its vivid red snout that extends all the way up its head. When stressed or under stressors, its vibrant hue fades quickly; therefore, this fish acts as an early indicator for potential issues in your tank’s water quality.
Bleeding Heart Tetras are popular hobbyist fish because they thrive in small schools. While not very active in their tank environment, preferring to hide behind floating plants and driftwood instead of moving freely about, these strikingly coloured fish make an eye-catching addition to any freshwater setup. Bleeding Heart Tetras ideally thrive in groups of 12 or more and require a well-decorated tank with ample hiding spaces; when left alone, however, these aggressive species can become aggressive enough to start nibbling at its sides, leaving many enthusiasts baffled when trying to keep up with them all.
These fish aren’t too picky about what they eat and will happily snack on Aqueon Tropical Flakes, Colour Granules, and Frozen Shrimp Pellets from Aqueon Marine Foods. In addition, they enjoy snacking on fresh or frozen peas and flakes!
Neon Tetra

The neon tetra is one of the world’s most beloved aquarium fishes, known for its bright colours and compact form. An omnivorous feeder, these neonate tetras require a varied diet of plant and animal matter for proper diet and care. After living up to six to seven years in captivity with proper care, they are susceptible to various diseases that require professional vet intervention for treatment.
Neon tetras are native to South American rivers with clear, warm streams. They prefer soft, flowing water environments; usually tanks with tall plants provide shelter and hiding places, and having darker areas within their tank, such as at the centre, may be advantageous.
Be mindful that neon tetras may experience colour loss when stressed, alarmed, or sick; this is an instinctive response in all fish to protect themselves from predators. Their colour should return once they are healthy and well fed again.
Get the perfect neon tetra photos by selecting a vibrant, healthy specimen at your pet store. Look for one with robust and vibrant colours; faded hues indicate poor health. When neon tetras are at their prime, they become more active than usual and eat more frequently than before.
Neonate tetras should ideally be kept in groups of three or five. This will prevent them from becoming territorial. When breeding is underway, both male and female neon tetras should be separated in separate tanks during breeding; male neons will have slightly rounder bellies than their counterparts; typically, this period should last one or two weeks but could take longer depending on environmental conditions; large water changes are necessary during this time to simulate seasonal rainfall; adding mosquito larvae may help in this regard; and increasing lighting might be useful too!

Angelfish are one of the most beloved aquarium fish species due to their hardiness, longevity, and beautiful coloring. Angelfish thrive in any environment and should remain disease-free with regular and large water changes, proper filtration setup, and using an aquarium water test kit once every week as preventative maintenance measures. To keep an angelfish healthy, it’s essential that good water maintenance techniques be implemented, including frequent and large water changes as well as using a weekly aquarium water test kit as a preventative measure.
The freshwater angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) is a long and deep fish with laterally compressed bodies, featuring extremely long dorsal and pelvic fins with filamentous endings. Wild specimens often appear silver with vertical black stripes; however, domestic breeders have created various variations, such as zebra, black marble, and “blushing” angelfish species.
Angelfish can be found throughout tropical South America in peaceful water bodies with overhanging vegetation or fallen trees and logs, where conditions are suitable. Angelfish will spawn frequently if conditions allow, requiring a separate breeding tank as well as live and frozen foods as diet options for breeding purposes. Once fertile conditions arise, male and female angelfish will deposit eggs onto vertical surfaces such as stiff leaves, filter pipes, or sections of aquarium walls when ready.
Marine angelfish belong to the Pomacanthidae family and there are approximately 90 different species. Like their freshwater cousins, marine angelfish are predatory fish that feed on reef algae and corals; their unique shape allows them to slip through crevices and narrow holes of coral reefs to evade predators or access plant life for nutrition; similarly, their pancake-shaped bodies allow them to fit easily into small crevices on mangrove trees, where they find protection from sunlight as well as shelter during rainstorms.

Goldfish tend to be more forgiving of mistakes and can adapt well to differing water conditions and parameters than many fish do, making their care more accessible for beginners and hobbyists.
Swordfish make great first pets for beginners. However, they require frequent feedings and produce waste products, necessitating at least a 30-gallon tank and weekly maintenance cleaning to remain healthy.
Goldfish thrive without needing much in terms of plant matter to thrive; filter sand is more suitable as it’s easier to clean and does not rot as quickly. Furthermore, it provides gentler care as goldfish are susceptible to polycystic kidney disease (CKD), where cysts form within their kidneys that trap water inside their bodies, causing cysts that build up over time and eventually kill off the fish if left untreated.
Goldfish can sometimes suffer from digestive issues and it’s essential that their diet includes a wide range of foods to provide them with a well-balanced diet. One way to add variety to their food choices is to make at least one feeding per day veggie- or frozen-based, such as blood worms or brine shrimp.
Goldfish that have problems digesting are likely to display symptoms of sickness quickly. It is crucial that any unusual behaviors, colors, or temperature changes be immediately identified so treatment can start promptly and potentially avoid further illness or even death for these aquatic lifeforms.

Guppies are one of the easiest fish to care for and thrive in many types of tank environments, making them popular aquarium fish among first-time pet owners. Guppies come in an array of colours and are an easy introduction for new pet owners; they are initially shy but will quickly adjust. For optimal health, keep guppy in an aquarium of at least 10 gallons with lots of hiding spaces; feed them flakes and pellets but they will also accept bits of frozen protein such as shrimp or beef. The temperature should range from 68 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit, with a pH between 6.5 and 8.0 for optimal health.
Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are popular freshwater tropical fish species found throughout the Amazon basin and other locations like Barbados, Suriname, Brazil, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, and Venezuela. Sometimes called millions or rainbow fish for their wide array of colour combinations they come in, these stunningly beautiful aquatic creatures make an aquarium habitat enjoyable viewing for many who admire them swimming freely in an aquarium setting.
Female guppies are live-bearers, giving birth to multiple wiggling fry at each spawning. Their number can reach 10–50 per spawning session, which can result in overcrowding their aquarium habitat. To reduce overpopulation and overcrowding, male and female fish should be kept separate; additionally, it would be prudent to provide their habitat with plenty of plant material so they have somewhere safe to hide if this becomes necessary.
Guppies make an ideal first choice for beginners seeking an underwater companion, being unfussy eaters that get along well with other varieties of fish and will live up to three years if properly cared for.
Zebra Danios

These beautiful little fish are known for being extremely hardy and ideal for beginners, though they require a large aquarium space. Due to their active nature and tendencies to zoom around their tank environments, brackish water conditions (which combine freshwater with saltwater) tend to work best. These fish can thrive in tanks of 10 gallons or larger. Before adding these fish, however, the water must first be cycled to ensure ammonia, nitrites, and nitrate levels remain at safe levels so they can eat safely. You should find suitable water mixes at your local pet store. Once sexual maturity has been reached at about four months of age, females containing eggs should be separated from males and put into an incubator tank for breeding purposes.
Zebra danios tend to get along well with other peaceful, active species of fish; however, their more spirited behaviour may intimidate or stress slower-moving, more timid species. Therefore, it’s essential that Zebra Daniel schools be placed in an appropriately-sized tank.
Danios have upturned mouths and feed high in the water column, favouring flake foods of various kinds, tubifex worms, and floating pellets as food sources. Live brine shrimp is also enjoyed, along with infusoria cultures available from most fish stores.
As with other freshwater fish, Zebra Danios are susceptible to diseases. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, an incurable parasitic condition that produces white spots on body parts, fins, and gills of your fish, is treatable with prescription medication from your veterinarian; it should never be given orally because this could alter both the taste and nutritional value of the fish.